A word from our COO, Marcus:

Dear friends,

Today, 22nd June, is Windrush Day, marking the 75th Anniversary of the Empire Windrush landing on UK shores.

This holds a special place in the heart of our Foundation, as the parents of our Founder Paul and Vice Chair, June, were amongst that generation of new settlers. Without Windrush we would not have enjoyed so many great new aspects woven into our UK culture. And we can add Paul Canoville to that list!

We celebrate Windrush Day — an occasion honouring the indomitable spirit of the Windrush Generation and those that followed.

We all walk in the footsteps of those unknowing pioneers who, in the face of adversity, embarked on a journey across oceans and continents. 

The legacy of the Windrush Generation intertwines with the very fabric of the UK, enriching our culture, invigorating our communities, and nurturing the seeds of diversity. Vibrant tales echoing through generations, reminding us of the strength that lies in our shared heritage.

Through their unwavering determination and resilience, they built homes, raised families, and contributed immeasurably to the growth and prosperity of the UK. They left an indelible mark on society, embodying the values of hard work, perseverance, and the unshakeable belief that a positive future was within their grasp.

Windrush Day is a reminder — an invitation to reflect on the journey those brave newcomers took and to honour their legacy. It is a moment to acknowledge the challenges that they overcame, the sacrifices they made, and the triumphs achieved. It’s a testament to their courage, strength, and steadfast vision for a better tomorrow.

Black History Month

We also want to take this opportunity to invite you to “save the date”

October is Black History Month and the Paul Canoville Foundation – working with Chelsea FC and the Chelsea FC Foundation – are looking to once again host an event at Stamford Bridge celebrating “Black and Blue Legends”.

Whilst the details are still being refined, we can confirm the date as the evening of Saturday October 14th.   More details will follow but for now please add this date to your diaries. And going by feedback from those that attended the 2022 event, it is not an occasion you will want to miss out on!

…..and finally the team at the Paul Canoville Foundation continue to work tirelessly on a number of initiatives including a schools programme that is very much front and centre of our work.  To allow the work to progress we require funding and will soon be releasing a merchandise section of our new website www.paulcanovillefoundation.co.uk. 

To support this, we recently held a photo shoot showcasing our merchandise range, featuring a group of deserving Chelsea fans who were nominated by the public – via social media – for their work in our communities. They were photographed along with Paul and our new patron – Chelsea FC footballer Omari Hutchinson – wearing our range of tee shirts and hoodies. 

As part of that day, we welcomed our friends from the PFA who interviewed Paul and Omari together, reflecting on their memories of – and influence taken from – their Caribbean roots. This video forms part of a mini-series of short films from the PFA celebrating Windrush 75 through the thoughts of prominent players linked to the Windrush generation.

We urge you all to watch the video on YouTube at this link

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, or would like to contribute your time or ideas to the Paul Canoville Foundation. 

We also welcome any kind donations to help us support our schools and community coaching initiatives. A £10 donation helps us to buy one copy of Paul’s book for one of our partner schools or two lunches for our young coaching programme attendees!  The donate link is here.

We look forward to hearing from you and if not before we will see you in October!
